March 24, 2020
Brothers and Sisters,
We are in the middle of a national pandemic that has tested each one of us in ways that we never thought possible. Just a few short weeks ago we were talking about the many projects that would be breaking ground in the months ahead and the probability of having difficulties filling calls for the vast amount of work this construction season. Now, in a matter of weeks, we are all faced with increased and unexpected unemployment and more questions than answers, due to COVID-19 or Coronavirus.
Together we all have adopted and adjusted to this ever-changing work environment. The priority of this Business Office since day one of this epidemic has been to keep you all as informed as possible, to answer every question that may arise, and to be available to every member.
Considering the recent Executive Order 2020-21 and the number of job sites shutting down I feel it's time to make some adjustments to the day to day operations of the Business Office. There is nothing more important than the health and safety of all members and their families. The best way to keep all our families safe and healthy is to limit exposure and socially distance ourselves for the time being.
The Business Office will continue operations during this time but will only be accessible to office staff unless prior arrangements are made for in person visits. We will try to conduct as much business through email or phone conversations as possible.
If your employment is disrupted, we will be contacted by your employer to make the proper arrangements concerning getting on the book so there is no need to come to the hall to sign the book. Please give a few days before inquiries about your position on the book.
Dues can still be paid through the mail or with credit card by phone. We will not accept any in person payment of dues at this time unless prior arrangements are made.
The April membership meeting has been cancelled. All committee meetings have been cancelled until further notice. We will relay information about the upcoming Local election and any changes that may take place due to the circumstances. These changes have been very difficult for us to digest. This is your Hall and we have taken much pride in keeping it open for your convenience and comfort during these troubling times, but it is time to adjust for the health of everyone.
Brothers and Sisters please follow the recommendations of the CDC and the mandates from State of Michigan during the next few weeks whether on the job site or at home. Healthcare supplies and hospital beds are in high demand and limited in access. We need to all do our part and help ease the burden on our brothers and sisters in the healthcare industry. It is imperative that we take this seriously and limit exposure to this virus.
Ryan Husse
Business Manager IBEW Local 252