A recent survey by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) was given to over 2,635 women and non-binary people who work in the construction industry. The results offer important data and insight into overall positive and negative aspects of their experiences.
Most surveyed reported feeling gratified by the actual work and pleased with the pay and benefits. Unsurprisingly, union members are paid particularly well and receive more benefits, such as healthcare and pensions, over nonunion tradespeople. On the other hand, the main aspects which need the most improvement are workplace culture and atmosphere. Almost half reported that they had considered leaving, most often due to discrimination and lack of respect. Furthermore, close to 50% experience being held to a higher standard than men, and a hostile and unsupportive work environment.
Currently only about 4% of tradespeople are women or non-binary, and right now there is a huge shortage of skilled workers. We at IBEW NECA 252 have made it a priority for years to increase our diversity, and our union contracts mandate that contractors be responsive to any workplace concerns that arise!
Find out more at this link.